The first suit challenges the President’s order to prohibit the transaction and the review process and decision of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”) as violating constitutional due process and statutory rights as well as exceeding their statutory authority by basing the process and decision on purely political grounds rather than credible evidence of any national security concern.
The second suit is against Cleveland-Cliffs (“Cliffs”), Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves and David McCall (President of the USW International) for engaging in a coordinated series of anticompetitive and racketeering activities illegally designed to prevent any party other than Cliffs from acquiring U. S. Steel as part of an illegal campaign to monopolize critical domestic steel markets.

President Biden ignored the rule of law to gain favor with the USW and support his political agenda.

As a result of President Biden’s undue influence to advance his political agenda, CFIUS failed to conduct a good faith, national security-focused regulatory review process; and

Cliffs, in collusion with the leadership of the USW, has sought to prevent the transaction from closing and any party other than Cliffs from acquiring U. S. Steel, and to otherwise injure U. S. Steel’s ability to compete, all as part of a broader illegal campaign to monopolize the domestic steel markets.